Monday, October 13, 2008

removing the "copy" from copyright; eyeballs from buzz?

Lawrence Lessig (of creative commons fame), had a nice piece in this weekend's WSJ, even if it mischaracterized his stance on piracy or the aboutness of his upcoming book, Remix.

His main contention is that copyright law has become corrosive in its inability to adapt to the new, creative use of digital technology (e.g. YouTube, Flickr, etc.). 

There's an interesting parallel in the way 'laws of measurement' have yet to evolve for the prolific creation and dissemination of content online. Still we find ourselves using a marketing measurement model. 

Lessig recommends the law should give up its obsession with "the copy"-- this immediately reminds me of the obsession to think about eyeballs exposed to buzz online-- views, GRPs, etc. that, I would argue, also should be abandoned.

An engaging conversation-- that which buzz usually represents-- engenders so much more than exposure. This is why I questioned the impact of mere views in fulfilling our attentional needs and spurring productivity (in creating content online). It seems that as technology transforms, everything related-- processes, metrics, laws-- should respond in kind. Most likely these will not be incremental enhancements, but transformations. 

Anyone else see a parallel?  

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